Call me crazy, but if you’re an adult, shouldn’t it be your responsibility to wake yourself up for work or school?

Maybe I’m the crazy one…

But enough about me!

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and see if you think this young woman did anything wrong.

“My (21F) roommate (20F) are living in the same college dorm together. While we don’t share a room, our rooms are adjacent to one another and the walls are pretty thin so we can hear each other pretty easily through them.

My first class on Mondays is normally at 9 in the morning but today I woke up a little bit before my alarm, around 7:45 and checked my email to see that it was cancelled because the professor is sick. Since my next class wouldn’t be until 12:00, I turned off my alarm and fell back asleep.

Around 9:30 I woke up to the sound of my roommate rushing around and being pretty noisy. I knew she had a class at 9:00 too so I was curious as to why she was still here. I got up out of bed and walked out into the hallway between our rooms and saw that she was frantically running around trying to get ready.

As soon as she saw me, she got this scowl on her face and angrily asked me why my alarm didn’t go off. I told her my first class got cancelled and that I wanted to sleep in a little. Then she tells me that, thanks to me, she’s super late for her first class.

Apparently she relies on my alarm going off in the morning rather than setting one herself. I had no idea that was the case and still don’t really understand why she doesn’t have her own alarm set.

I tried to apologize but she was too preoccupied and seemed to be ignoring me. After a few minutes she was out the door and since then I’ve been sitting in bed wondering if I’m really the a**hole here or if she’s only got herself to blame.”

Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

One reader said her roommate is 20-years-old and she can set her own alarm.

Screen Shot 2022 12 03 at 4.06.18 PM She Turned Off Her Alarm and Her Roommate Missed Her Class. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she’s NTA and her roommate is a grown-a** woman.

Screen Shot 2022 12 03 at 4.06.31 PM She Turned Off Her Alarm and Her Roommate Missed Her Class. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said it’s bizarre that her roommate would act like this.

Screen Shot 2022 12 03 at 4.06.51 PM She Turned Off Her Alarm and Her Roommate Missed Her Class. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

twistedsifter on facebook She Turned Off Her Alarm and Her Roommate Missed Her Class. Is She a Jerk?
