‘s[he] be[lie]ve[d]’ Memes Have Made A Comeback And They’re So, So Good

If you had a tumblr account at any point around the year 2012, you’re definitely familiar with the phrase “she believed” and how it blew literally every teenager’s mind, because there’s a ‘hidden message’ within those two words, and it’s like, sooooo deep — “s[he] be[lie]ve[d]”


Along the same lines, back in 2015 singer-songwriter Billie Eilish released a song called “sHE’s brOKen” and it seems that history does repeat itself, because a whole new generation of brooding teens has latched onto the ~ super deep hidden messages about heartbreak ~ trend. It’s so dumb, but honestly I think it’s kind of a rite of passage that everyone should have to go through and then mock mercilessly when they become an adult, just like all of these people did.

Source : https://www.funnyordie.com/2019/4/9/18302248/s-he-be-lie-ve-d-memes-have-made-a-comeback-and-theyre-so-so-good