
“‘You’re a woman, you can sew these labels onto the guys’ (on the team) clothing.’ This was said by my director.”

“My boss, the director of the company, told me to ‘grow a pair’ when I spoke to him in confidence about the way I had been spoken to by other male colleagues in a derogative manner. I was also told ‘Jump up and down so we can see your boobs jiggle’ by a male colleague at work, and ‘When you walked in for the interview, we all had thumbs up behind your back,’ implying I only got the job because of my looks. Oh, and when both myself and a male colleague were off sick (on separate occasions, but around a similar time), I had to follow a completely different ‘back to work process’ and had my pay docked for the day, whilst my male colleague didn’t, even though we were on similar job levels and the same contract. This was all ONE workplace.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/infuriating-things-womens-bosses-and-coworkers-said-to-them