Many couples don’t really consider how important trust is until they’ve lost it, Smith said. But there are small things we do each day “that either build trust or take it away,” he explained. Reflect on your actions within the relationship and try to do more things that foster trust — and fewer things that might do the opposite.   

“Think about what you could be doing, usually unintentionally, that could make your partner think ‘What’s he hiding?’ such as keeping your phone password a secret; taking your phone with you everywhere you go, even into the bathroom; not saying where you’re going or when you’ll be home, or not coming home when you say you will; having friends your partner doesn’t know about; keeping your spending a secret, etc.,” Smith said. “Have a conversation with your partner about this topic and identify some areas where you each could do better maintaining trust.” 

7. Don’t rely on love alone.
