Bernie Sanders ran for both the senate and president… Now, the politician is coming for another title that might surprise people: musician. Sanders appears on a new album by Minnesota House representative Maria Isa Pérez-Vega.

Pérez-Vega, after being sworn into office this week, dropped her new EP, Capitolio, to celebrate. Sanders appears on the opening title track, aptly titled “Tío Bernie.”

“People will respond to you a lot more than these ninety-year-old guys,” he is recorded saying on the song. While it’s not exactly a verse but a 0:44 recording, he does offer Pérez-Vega some sage advice.

“Don’t be afraid,” he adds. “If somebody says something to you, ‘Young lady, this is not good decorum’… Tell them to go f*ck themselves.”

She, and presumably the rest of the group burst out laughing. “Can I give you a hug man?” she responds.

As for the rest of Pérez-Vega’s new EP, it includes eight total songs (including Sanders’ intro) that range from Latin to hip-hop influences.

“Of course I’m going to keep making my music — that’s where I get my energy,” Pérez-Vega told The Star Tribune.

“I had been working on it from the first day I was running for the House, and it’s been a part of my campaign trail the whole way,” she added to the Tribune. “Music is medication, and we can certainly use that medication in politics right now.”

Check out Maria Isa Pérez-Vega’s song, “Tío Bernie,” above.
