A fan favorite, he transformed into the White Ranger during the original series, during which he appeared in 123 episodes, and also went on to play other roles in subsequent movies, series, and video games. He also appeared at fan events; in 2017, an armed man was arrested at Phoenix Comicon after allegedly threatening to kill Frank.

In addition to flexing his martial arts muscles onscreen, Frank trained others and pulled from a variety of disciplines to create his own fighting style. His Rising Sun Karate Academy has locations in Texas and California.

Fellow Power Ranger Walter E. Jones, who played the Black Ranger, shared his condolences in an Instagram post Sunday.

“My heart is sad to have lost another member of our special family,” he said, referencing the death of Yellow Ranger Thuy Trang, who died in 2001.

Frank is survived by four children. His wife, Tammie Frank, had filed for divorce in August, TMZ reported.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/jason-david-frank-power-rangers-death