Pet Motel Camera Captures Dog Sneaking Out Of Her Kennel To Comfort 2 Crying Foster Puppies

It’s time to stop everything you’re doing and pay close attention to this EXTREMELY CUTE DOG STORY.

Maggie is an Australian shepherd mix dog in Alberta, Canada. Her humans dropped her off for a short stay at Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming, and one night, she very cleverly managed to break out of her kennel. Her mission? To find two young puppies and comfort them on their first night there.

The puppies were 9-week-old foster pups from the local rescue society. They were staying at Barkers Pet Motel while they waited for their forever homes. They were probably frightened on their first night, but Maggie knew exactly what to do.

The maternal pup had just weaned her own litter of puppies a few weeks prior, so her motherly instinct kicked in when she heard the crying puppies.

“We’ve never really seen it before, where a dog sneaks out to some puppies and is so excited to see them,” Barkers staff member Alex Aldred told ABC News.

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