Pills can be dangerous and it’s understandable why someone who has struggled with addiction in the past would be wary when it comes to anything drug-related.

And this story is pretty interesting…

Did this person who is a recovering addict act like an a**hole for not giving their mom their old medication?

Read the story below and see if you think they were out of line.

“I am a recovering addict. I used to have xanax prescribed to me for panic attacks but it was discontinued. I kept an old bottle in the cupboard just in case (I know, I know.)

On Saturday my parents came over. I told them how I was doing in my recovery and that I was going to properly dispose of my old Xanax at the pharmacy or police department.

For the sake of brevity, she asked me for the drugs and I said No. My No was not respected. When I said no she said “well why, I’m not an addict!” She then proceeded to rub my nose in the fact that I stole drugs from her when I was in active addiction, and basically said I owed her.

I was so upset, that I brought up a time she medicated me without a doctor’s consent or prescription when I was a child. She then gaslit me, saying I was making it up and that never happened. I kicked her out of my house.

I’m so upset. I’m in very early recovery and trying my hardest to get well. We haven’t spoken since I kicked her out and my heart hurts. I just wanted my mom to be proud of me, but instead she tried to guilt me for my old medication.

So Reddit, AITA?”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

This reader said they are NTA and her mom can get her own meds.

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 4.45.17 PM Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Mom Their Old Medication

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader agreed and said their mom’s behavior is problematic.

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 4.45.26 PM Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Mom Their Old Medication

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said it’s a bad idea to pressure someone when they’re this newly sober.

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 4.45.49 PM Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Mom Their Old Medication

Photo Credit: Reddit

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Source: https://twistedsifter.com/2023/05/person-asks-if-theyre-wrong-for-not-giving-their-mom-their-old-medication/