People On Twitter Are Having A Massive Argument About The Proper Way To Draw An ‘X’


When’s the last time you wrote an X by hand? Did you go from top to bottom? Which line did you start with? No matter how you wrote it, someone out there thinks that you did it completely wrong.

People on Twitter are having a massive debate about the right way to draw an X. As if arguing over a kindergarten-level skill weren’t enough, people actually have wildly different opinions on this topic. Who knew?!

There are, apparently, eight different ways to draw an X, mathematically speaking. If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking, “Surely there are only one or two ways that people really use, though, right?” Wrong. People on Twitter are now divided into all eight camps, and all of them are equally passionate.

“WTF? Who doesn’t do 7?!” one bewildered user wrote.

“If you don’t do 6 we’re no longer friends,” another wrote to a pal.

I’m in camp 7, and if you draw your X another way, I’m now legally required to hate you. Twitter is so fun!

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