
“The whole night was my red flag. First, when my water broke a week earlier than the due date, he yelled at me for not telling him our son was going to be early. At the hospital, he told me to shut up because I was talking too much (due to the hospital drugs). My contractions were in my thighs, so I said my thighs hurt, and he told me they didn’t hurt that much.”

“Finally, after three hours of pushing and finally getting the baby out with forceps, my husband said, and I quote, ‘that was the most disgusting thing I’ve even seen.’ Fast forward three days… Baby and I are home from the hospital. He never told his boss I gave birth, and he still went on this two-week testing session in another state. He comes home and says, with a look on his face, ‘I can’t look at you the same way as before you gave birth.'”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/consheabrown1/when-people-wrong-person-to-raise-a-family-with