“I had a classmate who used to bully me. One day she came to school with this really fancy pen her dad gave her from his business trip. She bragged about it endlessly and mocked me daily for not being as rich as her. So, during a break, I faked needing to go to the bathroom, snuck into the classroom, stole her pen, and tossed it into a random trash can. When she realized it was missing, she flipped out and blamed me without proof. Our teacher scolded her as she dumped all my stuff out of my bag and ransacked my desk. She never found the pen and her dad refused to buy her anything expensive for years because she was too irresponsible. I still have no problem with what I did.”

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Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/larryfitzmaurice/reddit-shares-most-evil-things-theyve-done