It can be a bummer when you get older and you realize that there are a whole lot of things that you’re NOT going to do while you’re alive…

But, as the saying goes, that’s life!

Let’s hear from AskReddit users about fantasies they have that will never be fulfilled.

“I’d like to d** (as an old man) by getting launched into a black hole.

I’ve always been curious about those.

But accomplishing a trip like that is just not feasible for me.”

“Being able to travel through time and space as an incorporeal observer- unable to affect events or interact, only watch.

I’d go back and witness historical events, or observe wildlife in places never reached by man without disturbing it.”

“Having enough money to retire before I’m 40.

The amount of people that have retired at 60+ and d**d within a year is frightening and I really don’t want to work myself to d**th and not be able to enjoy my life in retirement.”

“To be physically young again.

The time passes really fast. You start out in the world young, then before you realize it, you’re past 40 and counting the remaining years.

Humans don’t live long enough, and yeah, we don’t invest enough into longevity research.”

“I want to go back in time and stop my daughter from driving to work on 07/11/2015.

I’d do anything. All I have to do is delay her by a few seconds. Maybe even a fraction of a second really. I don’t even have to time travel myself, if I could just get a text or a phone call through.. i mean, literally ANYTHING!

A bird pooping on her head when she steps out of the house would have sent her right back inside to wash her hair. A UFO decloaks in the sky would delay her.. just ANYTHING man… I’d take literally…anything.”

“Growing old with my wife.

I have Huntington’s disease, a sort of mix between Parkinsons, Alzheimers and Multiple Sclerosis.

I am already symptomatic at age 26 and have had symptoms for around 4-5 years, so at best I have another 15 years or so until I d**, but at that point I will be unable to control my body and will have the mental age of a toddler.

I won’t live to see 50.”

“Being kidnapped by a hot pirate captain lady and slowly being part of her crew and going on cool adventures with her but nothing like dangerous or anything and then we fall in love and sail away into the sunset for the rest of our lives.”

“Waking up in the 1990s again.

I’d trade every day I have left to be able to spend the same before things fell apart, to double the time with my wife before she d**d, play games with my friends from high school before they drifted off, visiting conventions, working for places I actually loved to be in, at a time before the world came tumbling down.”

“Walking on the surface of another planet.

Unless a lot happens in the next couple decades I’m physically incapable of going to space due to my height.”

“32 hour work week.

I waste so much time “looking like I’m working” because I’ve finished all my work. It’s 2023, we have SO MUCH computer power.

Why are we slaving away at 40hrs a week ?”

“To spend an afternoon with my grandfather again. He d**d back in 2012, so has been gone a while now.

I was always a shy kid, even with family, but as I got older I built a great relationship with my grandfather. I would say even closer than my parents at the time.

We became particularly close after my Grandmother d**d in 2009, and I always remember going to his house to help out with gardening whilst he made pizzas in the kitchen for lunch, he was an awesome cook. One of my most treasured memories and I still think about him often.

Would give anything to spend an afternoon working in the garden before listening to his stories over pizza.”

Well, that was a ride!
