Like many struggling with isolation and loneliness during the pandemic, actor Wesley Ryan decided to get a pet. As a new cat owner, Ryan was ready for surprises, but shortly after bringing home a bengal cat he named Odie, Ryan was in for a wild ride!

First, Odie may look like a cat, but he has the temperament and energy of a large dog. Odie loves the outdoors, which can be elusive in New York City, so Ryan routinely walks him on a leash or carries Odie in a clear backpack.

Secondly, Odie does not understand the concept of personal space, or if he does, certainly doesn’t abide by it. While cats are usually known for their independence, Odie constantly demands physical attention, even obsessively jumping on Ryan while he tries to audition!

Not to worry, Ryan is certain he’s found his soulmate in Odie, plus he got at least one good take!

For more of Wesley Ryan and Odie’s antics, check out Twitter and Instagram.


twistedsifter on facebook Odie the Cat Insists on Crashing Owners Audtions
