Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

This is a good one, folks!

It’s a story of revenge that will bring smiles to the faces of anyone who has ever worked at a bar and a restaurant.

The person who wrote it said they weren’t exactly being taken care of at this place…

“I was working at a corporate sports bar at the time. Barely over minimum wage, no insurance, no raises, no future.

New store management came in, and it was clear that they were “cleaning house” (I.E. firing all of the old staff to hire their people). Somewhat standard, labor laws in my area allow firing for almost any reason.

I had been down that road before. I needed a paycheck until I found a new job, so I played by their new rules. I did every stupid thing they said.

I saw other, more dedicated people fall by the wayside. Eventually management needed a corporate policy violation to fire me.

And then they got the news…

Finally, one day, they changed the time clock an hour ahead, and fired me for being one hour “late” to work.

OK, fair play, 100% legal anyways (they paid for the total number of hours worked), they were just fabricating the lateness for company policy.


So they took action.

After finding that they were fighting my unemployment claim, I filed a formal complaint with the liquor bureau in my state.

Their clock said that I was an hour “late”, therefore their official paperwork said that they were selling alcohol an hour after last call.

Hundreds per violation, plus automatic license suspension after X violations, and every bar transaction for that hour was a possible violation.

I QUICKLY got corporate’s attention. My last check was double checked for hours accuracy and overnighted to my front door. Cashier’s check, not standard payroll.

Don’t mess the bull, you’ll get the horns!

I eventually signed a form saying that they were not selling alcohol after hours and they would stop filing frivolous appeals against my unemployment benefits.

The GM was replaced 2 months after I left, and they had repeated staffing problems trying to fill my shoes.

Corporate still gives me a stellar job reference to this day.”

Here’s how people reacted.

One person who is a lawyer said this is a good way to get into trouble on the employer side of things.

Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

Another TikTokker shared a friend’s work story.

Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

This individual said this reminded them of the old days.

Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

Another Reddit user made a good point.

Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

And this reader said this revenge was PRO.

Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5Source: Reddit,Unsplash/@5tep5

Bam! Nice work!

That’s how it’s done, folks…

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
