National Treasure Dolly Parton Has Started Reading Children’s Books Online Once A Week

National treasure Dolly Parton has always been too good for this world, but she’s gone and made herself even better. Dolly just announced that she will be reading children’s books online once a week, in an effort to provide “a welcome distraction during a time of unrest and also inspire a love of reading and books.”

Dolly will be hosting the series, called “Goodnight With Dolly” on her YouTube channel. Families can tune in on Thursdays at 7pm ET, and if you miss the live stream you can watch the videos throughout the week when it makes the most sense for you.

Dolly’s first choice is the classic The Little Engine That Could. Her organization, the Imagination Library, said that “Dolly hopes this series of stories will provide comfort and reassurance to coping kids and families during the shelter-in-place mandates.”

The Imagination Library is an incredible resource for families in the United States. The team mails children’s books free of charge to families who have kids under the age of 5, with the goal of fostering and nurturing a love for literature and reading in children and their families. The organization has so far given more than 130 million books to children.

Other stories Dolly plans to read include There’s a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake, Llama Llama Red Pajama, and her own book, I Am a Rainbow.

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