Names for Germany in the world’s languages.

by u/nehala

ERRORS: Nauru, the northern Sotho speaking region of South Africa, and Israel should be orange on the map.

For the curious and/or visually offended, the ugly borders, especially for the former USSR and Yugoslavia, are due to the blank map being over 25 years outdated. I didn’t realize it until I was too deep in (this was a three hour project to avoid studying) and later hastily handdrew them in. I also had to manually add and approximate the Pacific Islands–I know plenty are missing and that their locations are wonky.

I tried my best to keep to most commonly spoken languages. I kept regional distinctions whenever I could. In much of Africa, I resorted to official languages if no single non-European language was dominant–in many cases it didn’t matter since it used the same basic etymology for “Germany” as the colonizing language.

In many countries, especially certain Pacific Island nations, their official languages didn’t have sufficiently detailed dictionaries, wikipedia pages, etc. available online for me to look up the term. I provisionally used the colonial language, on the presumption the local languages used a similar name for Germany. I know this isn’t bulletproof since many of those islands changed colonial hands multiple times.