AITASisterAttention My sister then said “oh, we’ve picked a name too!” She Called Out Her Sister for Needing Too Much Attention. Is She a Jerk?

It’s a fact of life: some people need so much attention that it can be infuriating.

We all know folks like that!

And the woman who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page is tired of her sister and her attention-seeking ways.

But did she go too far?

Read her story below and see if you think she’s out of line.

“My (30F) sister (36) is pregnant with her second child. Her first child, she didn’t find out the s** until she gave birth.

This time, she and her husband did but have decided not to tell anyone. We’ve all respected that. Like, it’s their business.

They have made a pretty big deal about it, constantly bringing it up and trying to bait people into asking, just so they can smile and say “we know but we’re not telling!” Annoying, but we avoid it.

They recently picked a name. As you can guess, they don’t want to tell anyone. Cool, their choice. But once again, there’s baiting for people to ask questions.

I am also pregnant with my first. We’re not finding out the s** until birth, though we have 2 names picked out and have told people if they ask. I had my baby shower last weekend. My sister was there. She baited a few people that didn’t know her into asking her what she was having. I ignored it.

Then, while opening gifts, I received two onesies. One had the name we picked out for a girl, the other with the one for a boy. My aunt explained I could hold onto the other one for if we had a second or donate it (both are pretty common names).

I thought it was so sweet. My sister then said “oh, we’ve picked a name too!” I already knew what would happen. A few asked what it was. She smirked and said “we’re not telling”. I rolled my eyes and said “yeah, we know, have enough attention for now?” She turned red but didn’t say anything else. We moved on.

My mom later chastised me, saying I shouldn’t have called her out like that. Apparently my sister cried after. I pointed out she already had her shower where she could annoy people with all that, she doesn’t need to do it with mine.


Check out what people had to say.

One person said she’s NTA and that her sister was rude.

Screen Shot 2023 08 23 at 10.08.56 AM My sister then said “oh, we’ve picked a name too!” She Called Out Her Sister for Needing Too Much Attention. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said she needs to start avoiding her sister.

Screen Shot 2023 08 23 at 10.09.08 AM My sister then said “oh, we’ve picked a name too!” She Called Out Her Sister for Needing Too Much Attention. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said it sounds like her sister’s been doing stuff like this for a long time…

Screen Shot 2023 08 23 at 10.09.19 AM My sister then said “oh, we’ve picked a name too!” She Called Out Her Sister for Needing Too Much Attention. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

I don’t understand why people do this.

Just let your loved ones have their day. Your day will come.

Good lord…
