
Certified documents

“I moved over here from England about seven years ago and I was surprised at the amount of documentation I needed for pretty much everything — getting a job, renting an apartment etc.

I came over here totally unprepared for a prospective employer to ask to see my degree certificate, but that was exactly what happened and I needed to get a notarised copy organised and sent over pretty quickly.

This probably varies depending on your line of work, but I think I’ve needed it every time I’ve changed jobs since arriving here.”


“Also from the UK. For a basic ID card in Victoria, I needed to get a whole bunch of documents certified by a Justice of the Peace (qualified professional), in person, with ink stamped signatures.

Sometimes I feel like they have processes here just for the sake of having processes. They don’t actually make a significant difference.

As for real estate agents, they practically have my blood samples on file. There isn’t any other data I could possibly give them…and yet I know zero about the mysterious, nameless, landlords.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliawilling/things-non-aussies-need-to-know