Mother Of 6 With ‘Open-Door Policy’ Packs 100 Lunches For Hungry Kids In Neighborhood Every Day

Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

It’s a quote that has become Champale Anderson’s life motto.

Champale, a healthcare provider and mother of six, noticed the kids in her neighborhood were always hungry after school… so she came up with an incredible, and incredibly selfless, idea.

For the past five years, Champale has been on a daily mission to feed the underprivileged children in her community of North St. Louis.

With her “Champ’s Teardrops” program, Champale has enacted an open-door policy; kids can knock on her door before and after school to retrieve one of the 100+ lunch bags she prepares.

Now, she’s asking for help to keep her mission going. go to different neighborhoods and give out bags,” Anderson said — and she has already more than doubled her goal.

If you would like to learn more about Champ’s Teardrops or help donate to the cause, please visit the GoFundMe page.

Footage provided by KTVI St. Louis

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