
“That thinking ‘it’s the best thing you’ll ever do’ is enough of a reason to have a kid. That you can just figure it out. That it’s okay to be a mom if you haven’t even begun dealing with your childhood trauma. Having a kid means learning to put another human first always. That’s not to say you must put them first at the expense of your well-being — I’m not into self-sacrifice, and that can be a form of abuse — but too many people enter motherhood lackadaisically. As someone who has worked with survivors of abuse and neglect for nearly two decades, I’m over it.”

“I get it. Society makes you think that way, but we put real human lives at stake when we don’t implore people to think about it and ensure they are ready to be a parent. Birth control should be more accessible. Motherhood should be more equitable.”


“Yes, it’s so normalized to just ‘figure it out’ when people enter parenthood or struggle. Of course, you do a lot of learning as you go along, but you need to be at least somewhat equipped to care for your baby. So many people struggle mentally, emotionally, and financially, but they’re told that just getting by is enough. It’s not. It doesn’t matter if your life has meaning now that you’re a parent — what matters is whether or not you can raise that baby in a healthy and loving environment. 

If you’re working six jobs and rarely see your child, you’re trying your best, and that’s understandable. But honestly, you’re not being a good parent to the baby. You’re trying your best but not giving the baby the care and attention it deserves. I wish people would think about the life they’re bringing into the world; it’s just about the kid when it’s born.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/victoriavouloumanos/women-share-lies-about-motherhood