Moms Call Out Anti-Vaxx Neighbor With Scathing Letter Of Warning To Other Residents

Measles is making a comeback, not to mention mumps, tetanus, and other diseases once eradicated by vaccines — all thanks to anti-vaxxers!

The anti-vaxx movement puts everyone at risk, but especially those who actually can’t get vaccinated — like, for example, babies. So, it makes sense that mothers are among those who most viciously call out the anti-vaxx movement for how selfish it is.

A group of moms in Wisconsin wrote a scathing letter to the community to call out their anti-vaxx neighbor. They explained exactly why this neighbor creates a dangerous risk to everyone nearby. The moms listed all of the recent outbreaks of disease across the country, and they pointed out the number of unnecessary deaths caused.

“Nearly all outbreaks of disease were started by unvaccinated individuals, who pass along vaccine-preventable diseases to those without adequate protection,” the letter read. “Protect yourself, your family, and your community by using caution when interacting with these people.”

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