Mom Who Popularized Gender Reveal Parties In 2008 Is Now Begging Families To Stop Throwing Them

Back in 2008, Jenna Karvunidis decided to throw a party to announce the gender of her unborn baby.

Jenna and her husband invited their friends and family over so that everyone could watch as they cut into their cake. The pink frosting inside revealed they’d be having a daughter.

The expectant mom filmed their reaction to the surprise announcement and shared the video on her blog, High Gloss and Sauce.

Jenna figured it’d be a fun and lighthearted way to announce the gender.

But when the clip went viral, delighting parents across the country, it helped create a new trend in modern-day parenting: the gender reveal party.

Over a decade later, these celebrations have gone from innocent cake-cutting to an all-out effort in making these reveals bigger, better, and more dramatic.

Now Jenna — who is credited by many for creating the gender reveal party — is speaking out on Facebook with an unexpected plea for parents everywhere.

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