Modern South Arabian Languages map (Yemen & Oman).


  • Mehri: the largest Modern South Arabian language, with over 165,000 speakers.
  • Soqotri:
    another relatively numerous example, with speakers on the island of
    Socotra isolated from the pressures of Arabic on the Yemeni mainland. In
    2015, there were around 70,000 speakers.
  • Shehri:
    frequently called Jibbali, “of the Mountains”, with an estimated 25,000
    speakers; it is best known as the language of the rebels during the
    Dhofar Rebellion in Oman’s Dhofar Governorate along the border with
    Yemen in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Bathari:
    Under 100 speakers in Oman. Located on the southeast coast facing the
    Khuriya Muriya Islands. Very similar to Mehri, and some tribespeople
    speak Mehri instead of Bathari.
  • Harsusi: 600 speakers in the Jiddat al-Harasis of Oman.
  • Hobyót: 100 speakers est., in Oman and Yemen.

map is slightly tilted, please don’t feel dizzy. The map also represent
the proximal area; many inhabitants of such region are bedouins who
travel through the regions and even extend to neighboring Saudi Arabia
thus the map is to be interpreted as a “range” rather than a fixed