And if my stories still haven’t convinced you, maybe these reviews will:

“The best curl cream I have ever tried!! It makes my hair so soft and my curls have literally never looked better, ever. It gives me so much volume and a little goes a long way! Definitely worth it!!” —Madison

I NEVER write reviews, but being 31 and having super fine, but super curly hair it has literally taken me three decades to find this holy grail. I almost don’t even want to share it with you because then it’ll make it impossible for me to find in stores, but you should really run to get this product. Miss Jessie knew exactly what she was doing, and I wish I would’ve found this product sooner. Worth. Every. Penny.” —Rach

“I absolutely love this product! I have tried other curly hair products that don’t even compare to this product. I am African American with medium curly hair (3b-3c texture). This product keeps my hair soft all day. No hard crunch or dry hair. It makes my curls and waves so defined and beautiful. I will repurchase.” —Miss Jessie’s Soft Curls
