…which is why this week it was super refreshing to read about Michelle talking about real-life things like menopause, insecurity, and weight gain.

While talking to People to promote her new book The Light We Carry, Michelle said her workout regiment has changed.

“Some of it is menopause, some of it is aging. I find that I cannot push myself as hard as I used to. That doesn’t work out for me,” she said. “That when I tear a muscle or pull something and then I’m out. The recovery time is not the same.”

“You wind up balancing between staying fit enough and being kind enough on your body to stay in the game,” she added.

Michelle also said there’s been mood swings and some weight gain. “I never used to weigh myself. I’m not trying to stick to numbers, but when you’re in menopause, you have this slow creep that you just don’t realize. We’re all in menopause with stretchy [waist] bands and our athleisure wear on, and you look up and you can’t fit the outfits you had last year.”

“I have to be more mindful, not obsessive, but more mindful,” Michelle continued. But overall, Michelle said she is grateful and blessed.

“I think my skin still feels healthy. My hair is still in my head. These are the things that I have to count my blessings for. I am still physically active, and my goal now, instead of having ‘Michelle Obama arms,’ I just want to keep moving.”

Me after reading the First Lady say that:

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/michelle-obama-gaining-weight-interview