Talk about a hairy situation!

You might remember that, back in the ’90s, while Matthew McConaughey’s star was rising, his hairline was receding.

Michael Crabtree – Pa Images / PA Images via Getty Images

Of course, he totally rocked any look, whether he had a full head of hair or not.

Frank Trapper / Corbis via Getty Images

However, in one of Hollywood’s greatest unsolved mysteries, his luscious locks grew back almost magically.

Sam Levi / WireImage /  Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic / BuzzFeed / Via Getty

Recently, he told LADBible that he started by shaving off all the hair he had left because he “had read that, hey, get a fresh start…shave it off.”

Walt Disney Co. / ©Walt Disney Co./Courtesy Everett Collection

He added, “I even heard the stuff like, ‘Do it on a full moon.'”

He continued, “[Then] I get this topical ointment and I rub it into my scalp once a day for 10 minutes. I was fully committed to it.”

“I have more hair now than I had in 1999,” he said.

However, it wasn’t long before someone tried to take credit for Matthew’s work. He said that he ran into a “really renowned guy” who does hair transplants in Beverly Hills.

Emma Mcintyre / Getty Images

The man told him that he’d always wanted to meet him because “Every year for the past five years, when we go to our international hair transplant convention, we always bring your picture up, and the director asks the audience, ‘Who did this for Matthew?'”

Getty / Sam Levi / WireImage / Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic / BuzzFeed / Via Getty

According to the man, no one raised their hands for the first three years, but for the last two years another “very renowned hair transplant guy from, like, Denmark or something” took the credit for the actor’s hair regrowth.

To set the record straight, Matthew let the man feel his hair. He quickly realized that he didn’t actually have any hair transplants.

Then, the hair transplant specialist said, “I can’t wait to bust this guy next year when he raises his hand.”

NBC / Via

Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the international hair transplant convention when that doctor got called out.

Of course, there should be no shame in getting a hair transplant, but lying like that is not alright, alright, alright at all.
