Massachusetts City Passes Groundbreaking New Ordinance That Recognizes Polyamorous Relationships

Somerville, Massachusetts, has passed a brand-new, groundbreaking ordinance that gives people who are in polyamorous relationships the same rights that married couples in the city already enjoy. This is believed to be the first such ordinance anywhere in the United States.

The ordinance also expands the definition of a domestic partnership to include three or more people.

Councilor J.T. Scott explained that “People have been living in families that include more than two adults forever. Here in Somerville, families sometimes look like one man and one woman, but sometimes it looks like two people everyone on the block thinks are sisters because they’ve lived together forever, or sometimes it’s an aunt and an uncle, or an aunt and two uncles, raising two kids.”

The councilor also stated that in a city of approximately 80,000 residents, he knows of at least two dozen polyamorous couples who all stand to benefit from the new ruling.

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