When was the last time a barista flirted with you?

In a viral video, TikToker Josh Salad shared a hot take: working as a barista is “low key the sluttiest job.”

@josh.salad #baristalife #coffee #k?nk ♬ Vegas (From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS) – Doja Cat

“We flirt with everyone. We can tell if you have a barista fetish. Half the customers have a crush on me because I am cute to them to get tips,” the overlay text said.

Salad proceeded to provide a few reasons as to why he believes this.

“How can’t you fall in love with us when we give you warm drinks in cute cups. I’ll flirt with you and your dad at the same time. My co-worker turned a 30 year old straight woman last week. We slutty as heck and it’s on purpose,” he said.

In the comments section, some users agree while others just want their coffee without the interaction.

“Baristas are romanticized bar tenders,” one user argued.

“It’s my duty to flirt with the general public,” another commented.

“Sorry but as a trader joe’s cashier i think i win,” a third user shared.

“Cool, I can’t deal with any of that till I have coffee,” a fourth user said.

The Daily Dot reached out to Salad via TikTok comment.

Source: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/barista-worker-sluttiest-job/