People in the comments were just as enraged, and absolutely ripped this manager apart (and rightfully so, tbh). Some straight up called out the poor management style.

“So, somebody was supposed to ‘step up’ and conduct a meeting on behalf of the boss without being asked to do so and without any clear idea of what the meeting was even supposed to be about? This is poor management.”


“The people who are willing to sit around wasting time are getting promoted, and the people who waited a reasonable time then got back to work aren’t? Gee…that sounds like good business practices.”


“How are you and your coworkers supposed to know that’s what the manager wants. No one is a telepath. Second of all, the ‘manager’ is supposed to be running the meeting. It is their job. Not your job. And lastly, if this person thinks they do too much, they need to DELEGATE and actually talk to people. Instead of playing these dumbass games that you’re supposed to read their mind to understand.”

