Man Who Got Ticketed For Not Wearing Mask Bought $300K Lamborghini With COVID Relief Funds

David Hines, a Florida businessman, got caught in a “mask trap” in downtown Miami.

Miami-Dade County began fining people for not wearing masks in public, handing out $100 tickets for violating the mandatory mask ordinance.

A camera crew happened to be on-hand when David was cited by the police. He told reporters what he thought of the punishment he’d just received.

“I think this is hilarious and disturbing wearing a surgical face mask as if that’s going to make a difference in this pandemic,” he remarked. “I feel silly, wearing a surgical mask outside.”

This same man is now making headlines around the world for another COVID-related mishap.

David reportedly received a $4 million loan through the Small Business Administration’s Payroll Protection Program. The federal government has been giving out these loans as COVID-19 relief funds for small business owners.

But as it turns out, David allegedly mishandled his massive loan in a big way — and it’s a story ripe with fraud, lies, and exorbitant purchases… including a $318,497 Lamborghini.

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