Man Thinks He Should Separate Wife’s Finances After She Falls for Two Major Scams


It would be one thing if she only fell for one scam. But she doesn’t seem to have learned her lesson at all. “I cannot believe she fell for a scam like that TWICE,” one commenter wrote. “I would be quite concerned with her and your shared money as well.” 

“She is a threat to your financial security and ultimately cannot be trusted to learn from her mistakes.”

I think if I was the wife in this situation, I obviously wouldn’t want to be cut off from my joint finances with my husband, but I’d also be concerned about my own gullible nature. One commenter pointed out that if the wife had posted and said that her husband doesn’t trust her with money, the responses might look different and the husband might get painted as the villain. 

They write, “I’d rather advise him to get his wife on a course, or to a therapist, or to talk and make sure she will call him FIRST before doing anything… giving her financial handcuffs within the marriage isn’t a great solution either.”

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