Man Kicked Out Of Grocery Store After Not Wearing Mask Says They Cause Anxiety Attacks

Many businesses around the country are ordering people to wear masks when they walk through the doors. But there’s a growing number of so-called “anti-maskers” who are choosing not to cover their faces in public.

Some of these anti-maskers say masks exacerbate their existing medical conditions.

Nick Conley recently attempted to enter a grocery store in Monroeville, Pennsylvania without a mask. He says a security guard stopped him at the door and promptly kicked him out.

In Pennsylvania, shoppers and workers are required to wear masks, but there is an exception for people with medical conditions.

Nick says he was exempted from wearing a mask because for him, they cause anxiety and panic attacks — and he had the doctor’s note to prove it.

His note read: “Please excuse Nicholas Conley from any face mask requirements to the extent permitted by law, due to a medical condition.”

Watch part of the encounter in the video below, which ended with Nick being charged with disorderly conduct and simple assault. Now, he’s speaking out about the controversial incident.

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