Man Invites Friends To Eat Tacos Made Of His Foot After Motorcycle Accident


We all have that one friend that we’d do anything for. Whether it’s waking up at 3 a.m. to drive them home from a drunken stupor, or helping them move into a new place on a precious Saturday. 

But it takes a whole other level of friendship to convince ten people to do what Reddit user IncrediblyShinyShart claims to have done. The user, who wished to remain anonymous, posted photos of his foot on Reddit after a horrific motorcycle accident. 


Although doctors had salvaged his foot, he was told that he could never walk on it again. So, he chose to have the foot amputated rather than face a lifetime of potential complications. 

That’s when the Reddit user had an idea. He asked doctors if he could keep the foot. As he told Vice, he learned that the request wasn’t that unusual at all for hospitals, and he just needed to sign some paperwork before they released it to him. 


Shiny told Vice that he originally wanted to “have it taxidermied or freeze-dried.” He asked Vice: “How cool would it be to have my freeze-dried or taxidermied foot standing around the house as a lamp or a doorstop or something?”

But when no taxidermist wanted to stuff a human foot, and freeze-drying it was apparently too expensive, he decided to go with plan B.  Shiny and a group of friends had previously discussed whether or not they would eat human meat if they had an ethical chance to do so. 

So, he decided to call his friends out on it. “”Well, I’m calling you on that. We doing this or what?’ Ten said yes. I guess we’re a weird group.” On Sunday, July 10, 2016, three weeks after the accident, the group got together for a special brunch.

They ate apple strudel, quiche puff pastries, fruit tarts, and chocolate cake. To prepare themselves for the main course, they drank gin lemonade punches and mimosas. The main course? Fajita tacos made from Shiny’s foot, and prepared by a chef one of the guests was dating. 

“He marinated it overnight and sauteed it with onions, peppers, salt, pepper, and lime juice. Then he served it on corn tortillas with a tomatillo sauce,” Shiny told Vice


Your first question is probably something along the lines of: “How is this all legal?” The United States doesn’t have a federal law banning cannibalism. Obviously, there are laws against murder, buying and selling human meat, and handling corpses, but as long as someone consents to being eaten, it’s all above board legally. 

And to answer your second question, Shiny described the taste as “super beefy.” Although he thought it tasted good, the meat was tough and chewy, which didn’t make for a great experience. 

Not everyone could stomach the idea, though. As he said on Reddit, “One friend had to spit me into a napkin after chewing for a while. They apologized but it was too funny for me to be upset.” 

And while it may seem strange, Shiny says that eating his foot helped him move on from losing his leg. 


Shiny told Vice that the meal was almost like a “send-off” to his life before the accident, and helped him move on:

“Things worked out so damn well afterward. My life has gotten so much better. I left the town I was in and a job of 10 years that was killing me emotionally. I moved to another state. I have a way better job that I enjoy the hell out of. I’ve met a woman who I’ve been with for over a year and a half now and she’s the best thing in my life. I’m so much happier now than I could conceive of being before. And it’s because of this time where my life was threatened and I persevered through it. Eating my foot was a funny and weird and interesting way to move forward.”

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