One man filmed a couple in the supermarket parking lot and made sure to call out the woman for not helping her man put the groceries away in the car.

tiktok user @jpwhite14 films couple unloading groceries
Source: tiktok / @jpwhite14

Traditional gender roles used to mean that the woman stayed home cared for the children, and did all the cooking and cleaning while the man went to work and made the money. That’s cool and all, but things are a little different today. Now, both men and women are more likely to work, either because they want to or because they need to financially.

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That said, some duties that used to be exclusively reserved for women have been reassigned to the man or perhaps split in half by the couple. Truthfully, couples can choose to divide up their responsibilities however they want as it really isn’t any of our business. But one guy on TikTok decided to make one couple’s business his business when he savagely called out a woman for not helping her male partner unload groceries into the car.

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couple walking to car with groceries

Stranger calls out woman for not helping her presumed partner unload groceries to the car.

TikTok user @jpwhite14 took to the platform to share a 59-second clip of a man unloading groceries into the car while the woman with him stood by the cart as he did all the work.

“Passenger princess for sure. She ain’t helping her husband at all. Red flag homie. She hasn’t moved,” @jpwhite14 said as he filmed.

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However, it’s important to note that @jpwhite14 was merely making assumptions about their relationship, as he didn’t have any actual knowledge about them.

“And he got her some flowers right there,” he added nodding to the flowers in the cart. But once again, we have no idea if those flowers are actually for her.

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Most folks weren’t too thrilled by @jpwhite14’s video. Both men and women weighed in with their thoughts.

One man commented: “I don’t let my wife put them in or take them out of the car. Yes, she’s my princess.”

Another wrote: “I don’t expect my girl to help. I tell her to start the car while I do it.”

tiktok comments woman not helping man with groceries
Source: tiktok

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Women also agreed that it wasn’t necessary that the woman in the video help the man.

“At least she kept him company. I just go sit in the AC,” wrote one female.

Another claimed that she likely already did a lot of work involving the groceries. “You know she made the list, budgeted, picked items out; this is his job now.”

And some users just started taking cracks at @jpwhite14 for posting this video, claiming that he’s probably single. As it turns out, they were right. “For real, got no girls,” he responded.

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tiktok comments user single
Source: tiktok

Another TikTok user, @libisaface, stitched the video and explained why she allows her partner to handle the grocery loading. Placing herself in this scenario of her and her boyfriend at the store, she says: “I’ve spent the entire time walking around and telling him what to grab, so no, he can put the f—— groceries in the car.”

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In the comment section of her video, one woman pointed out an important detail about where the couple was — they were in a Costco parking lot.

“That’s a Costco run. They tend to pack the boxes heavy so my hubby will move everything into the trunk [and] I’ll return cart,” she wrote.
