
“I just recently quit my job at a very old and extremely popular 4-star hotel. For an entire summer, we weren’t given sponges and had to scrub toilets, tubs, etc. with nothing but our gloved hands and cleaner. Some housekeepers bought their own sponges, but there was no way I was going to spend money when the hotel makes millions every year. When we finally got sponges, we would use the same one for every sink, toilet, and tub/shower.”

“There was also mold growing behind the wallpaper in some of the bathrooms, especially the poolside rooms. And we prioritized speed over cleanliness every time. If pillowcases didn’t *look* used, we were taught to not replace them. It just has to look clean; it doesn’t have to actually be clean.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/luxury-hotel-secrets-reddit