We’re only a week into 2023, and people have already felt the need to comment on women’s bodies. So, I have to ask: Are y’all not bored?

Lizzo shared this video on Twitter pretty much asking the same thing, and calling the discourse around bodies “tired.”

Twitter: @lizzo

Twitter also put a warning on said tweet which is…ironic.

Twitter: @lizzo

In the video, she shares the comments she’s gotten about her body ranging from “oh my gosh, you’re so big” to “you’re so little.”

She then asks “Are we okay?” (because I, too, would like to know) and follows up with “do you see the delusion?”

“Do we realize that artists are not here to fit into your beauty standards?”

“Artists are here to make art. And this body? Is art. And I’m going to do whatever I want with this body.”

“I wish that comments costed y’all money. So we could see how much time we’re fucking wasting on the wrong thing.”

I mean, it’s 2023. Can we let all the body commentary go, please?

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/amatullahshaw/lizzo-body-critics-response