Little Family Getaways: 18 Vacation Destinations For Families That Love Adventure


After a long, cold winter, summer is finally just around the corner! Spring has officially sprung, which means flowers are blooming, grass is growing, and sunshine is beaming down on us. As the weather gets hotter and hotter, many people like to start thinking about taking a summer vacation.

During the summer, kids are off school and many parents’ work schedules become more flexible. This means it’s the perfect time to leave behind your everyday worries and head out of town for a great vacation (or stay nearby for a fun stay-cation).

While it can be relaxing to sit at home and watch television together, it gets boring pretty quickly. Try to find some time to get outside and adventure while the weather is warm!

Families that adventure together stay together, right? This summer, spend time with your loved ones doing the thing you enjoy most: exploring the great outdoors.

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