You may or may not know what “singing in cursive” means.

It’s a colloquial saying that originated on social media, and it describes this annoying style/trend of singing that today’s singers use. Liz Gillies describes it best with this video:

Twitter: @jeeeeeeezybread

In the vid, the contestant started to sing Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie,” and immediately, Katy Perry stopped her and said, “Slow down.”

The singer continued, and Katy AGAIN wasn’t having it, LOL. “Say all the words,” Katy said abruptly. “Don’t cut the words off.”

Katy then got more frustrated, saying, “Enunciate the words!”

The whole moment started to blow up on Twitter this week:

@WitnessNicki she’s right tho. Cursive singing just isn’t it. The girl sounded much better after that and she’s even got a golden ticket once she sang with her real voice. Katy is a judge for a reason: to be technical. she isn’t trying to roast the girl, only helped her

Twitter: @mortaelinda

Still, the judges recognized that the contestant had potential and sent her through to the next round. Just no more cursive singing for her!!

You can watch the full video here.
