Justin Bruening’s Family Is Insanely Adorable — Meet Them Here

The couple is known for being intensely private about their personal lives. So much so, in fact, that neither of them have (or keep up with) social media, which is extremely rare among actors and actresses today. 

As Alexa tells Soap Central, “It just kind of evolved naturally. It wasn’t a strong decision at first. It was more just, ‘Eh, I don’t want to do that.’ But it is kind of nice, when you are so exposed and out there.”

“When I was on All My Children, every ounce of me was on display — our marriage, everything,” she continues. “I think for a minute, it was just nice to have a couple of things for myself, but it wasn’t purposeful… it’s one part motherhood and the other that I’m just old-school.”

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/justin-bruening-family