Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Vote to Release Trump Taxes

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a highly anticipated opinion in the case about whether President Donald Trump can be compelled to release his taxes. The court ruled against Trump, holding that sitting presidents do not possess blanket immunity from investigations.

Two of the justices who voted against Trump sent resistance Twitter’s eyebrows skyward.

Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh—both Trump appointees—joined the majority’s opinion.

The court, in brief, ruled that Trump’s taxes can be released, and remanded the case to the lower courts.

It’s a bit of a win, bit of a loss for those who want to see the president’s tax returns. On one hand, the lower courts are arguably likely to order their release as most of Trump’s major legal arguments have been rejected; on the other, it’s not happening immediately and there is a chance, albeit slim, that Trump’s lawyers will come up with some fresh argument to further delay the proceedings or avoid releasing the records.

Nevertheless, resistance Twitter was pumped. They were also pleasantly surprised that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh voted against the very man to whom they owe their positions on the court to.

“Trump could not even get Gorsuch or Kavanaugh on Vance. THAT is how extreme his position were,” tweeted the Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin.

Elizabeth C. McLaughlin/Twitter



Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Adam Serwer/Twitter

Trump, as per usual, quickly turned to Twitter to complain that the justices were being very unfair to him.

Donald J. Trump/Twitter

Donald J. Trump/Twitter

Trump’s tweets just prompted more dragging. Before long, #TrumpMeltdown was trending.

#WashYourHands #WearAMask/Twitter

#WashYourHands #WearAMask/Twitter

Eugene Gu, MD/Twitter

Eugene Gu, MD/Twitter

The president’s lawyers will now dig deep into their bag of legal tricks to come up with as many arguments as possible to keep those records from the light of day.


*First Published: Jul 9, 2020, 11:24 am

Claire Goforth

Claire Goforth is an award winning journalist covering politics and justice from her home base in Jacksonville, Florida. Her work has appeared in publications ranging from regional alt-weeklies to Al Jazeera.

Source : https://www.dailydot.com/debug/kavanaugh-gorsuch-trump-taxes/