Jennifer Lopez Sits Down For A Special Interview With Her 11-Year-Old Twins Max And Emme


Being a celebrity involves participating in a lot of interviews. Understandably, these things can get tedious. Stars are used to being asked the same questions over and over again; Jennifer Lopez is among them. In pursuit of some fresh questions, she decided to let her twins, 11-year-olds Max and Emme, conduct an interview that she posted to her YouTube channel.

“I’ve been interviewed maybe ten thousand-million-bajillion times in my life, and I mostly get asked the same questions. So I decided that it would be fun if I let Emme and Max,” Jennifer explains.

The interview was all kinds of adorable and hilarious. Max begins by looking for some dirt on his mom. “What was the most trouble you got in when you were my age?” he asked. Jennifer responded honestly, telling her son that she used to sneak out of her second-story bedroom window all the time.

Emme then follows it up by asking if she’s her superstar mom’s favorite. Jennifer was surprised by the question and replied, “I don’t have a favorite. I don’t believe in favorites. I could never think of one of you more than the other. I love you both so much.”

Of course, the kids couldn’t help but slip a personal question or two in there. When asked about her first crush, Jennifer shared some details on a boy who used to ride his bike down her block. She then added, “That doesn’t mean that you guys should, you know, have crushes. We’re OK without crushes for a while.”

The video is a sweet and silly look inside the family’s dynamic. We can’t help but wonder what it’s like when Alex Rodriguez and his kids are added to the mix.

Check out the rest of the interview below.

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