You may have noticed that Ben Affleck did, er, not seem to have a whale of a time at the Grammys this weekend.

Well, J.Lo herself nodded to all the ~discussion~ with a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it meme. On her Instagram, she shared the new trailer for the movie Air — which, yes, is directed by and starring Ben.

However, at the beginning of the video, Jennifer threw in this meme:

Ah, the face of unbridled joy.

For what it’s worth, according to a seat filler at the Grammys, J.Lo showed Ben the memes mid-show — and his response was to say words to the effect of, “Oh god, this again.” The two were otherwise apparently “lovey dovey.”

Anyway, here’s a nice picture of him laughing with Adrien Brody at the Grammys:
