Jason Momoa Was Literally Born to Voice His Role on ‘the Simpsons’

Bob Odenkirk from Better Call Saul and Undone and a bajillion other things fame is also featured in the episode. He plays a lawyer who has entered into the orbit of Fat Tony, a local mob boss and satellite character who’s been the subject of more than a few plot points over the course of some 700+ episodes.

Interestingly enough, even though Bob’s brother, Bill, has executive produced and written for The Simpsons, this is the first time Bob’s ever voiced a character on the show.

You’d figure it’d be easy to get Bob into the studio to record, but it turns out fellow star, Jason Momoa, had an even more difficult time getting in to record his bit for the show. Al Jean, executive producer for The Simpsons said that getting a hold of Jason was extremely difficult. Every time they phoned up his representation, they’d hear some news that probably made their scheduling manager pull their hair out:

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/jason-momoa-on-the-simpsons