Is sparkling water as healthy as regular water?

There’s good news about sparkling water on the nutrition front as well. I reached out to Jen Baum, a registered dietician nutritionist and one of the hosts of the podcast Nutrition for Mortals. Baum says sparkling water can be a great, healthy bev of choice for anyone who’s not really a fan of flat water. 

“Sparkling water can also just be a nice change from regular water too,” Baum says. “Most of us enjoy variety and I think that applies to the beverages we drink.” She says she’s a fan of the bubbly stuff too, adding “Grapefruit Spindrift all the way!”

If you’ve ever accidentally had nothing to drink but soda water all day long, Baum says it won’t affect your nutrition. “I’d rather have people hydrating themselves with beverages they enjoy than potentially not drinking enough during the day.”
