Is Molly Qerim Still on ‘First Take’? Fans “Miss” the ESPN Host

In 2015, Molly took over Cari Champion’s role as host of the popular sports series. But, Molly rarely interjects her own opinions while hosting the show. Instead, she’s the more level-headed of the trio and moves the conversation forward. “She’s not there to debate,” David Roberts, ESPN’s Senior Vice President of Production, told Sports Illustrated in 2019. “She’s there to moderate. She’s there to referee.” 

Following the virus outbreak, Molly started working from her basement in Greenwich, Conn. However, fans have noticed that the TV personality has been absent from First Take.

“We miss you on first take hope you get back soon!” one person commented on Molly’s Twitter. Another person wrote, “I Missed You On Espn First Take Today. Please Come back Tomorrow Morning.”

A fan questioned, “Girlfriend where you been lol.” This viewer of the series posted, “@MollyQerim Please as moderator of the show and as a fan of @FirstTake, I prefer that all 3 regulars show up on a consistent basis. You take way more days off than rest of regular crew.”

At this time, Molly has not posted about leaving First Take, so it’s safe to assume she may have taken a few days off of work. 

The 36-year-old’s Twitter profile and Instagram bio still state that she is the host of First Take. 

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