
“At 21, I was a DDD cup, and my shoulders had divots from my bra straps. I lost as much weight as I could before the surgery and got reduced to a D cup. It was amazing! The recovery wasn’t terrible, and the results of a new lift were great. I could wear cuter, smaller bras and tops without bras because of the lift.”

“At the time, I didn’t care if it would affect my ability to breastfeed (one of the risks that were addressed with me beforehand) because I didn’t even know if I wanted to have children. I wish I would have weighed those options better because I recently had my first son and breastfeeding was near impossible. My nipples were reconstructed, and while I do make milk, my son couldn’t latch. I was able to breast pump, but I’m convinced that my slow milk production was due to the reconstructive surgery. I probably still would have had the surgery, but I just wish I had weighed those options better. At 21, I didn’t know how I would feel as a mother later in life. But you better believe I’m getting another lift after I’m done having kids!”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/consheabrown1/breast-reduction-insights