There’s this perception out there that a good number of people with allergies or intolerances are just making it up to get attention, but I don’t know why that became a thing.

Especially when it comes to lactose intolerance – who would want to miss out on things like cheese and ice cream if they didn’t have to?

OP is lactose intolerant and routinely has to defend her choice to eat tacos without cheese on them.

I’m lactose intolerant. Every time I make tacos, my boyfriend always makes jokes about how I’m “disrespecting Mexican culture” by not having cheese in my tacos.

I’ve told him multiple times I’m not going to spend hours on the pot just to make him feel better about my friggin’ tacos (he’s not even Mexican, he’s white.).

Her boyfriend thinks it’s weird, and so recently when they had a taco night, decided to “hide” some cheese on her taco.

This came to a head last night when we were having tacos again.

I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, I noticed my taco looked tampered with.

I go to inspect, and lo and behold, there’s cheese buried underneath the other ingredients.

OP got mad and went to bed without doing the dishes, a fact her boyfriend was still whining about in the morning.

I told my boyfriend he was a raging jerk and went to bed, leaving him to do the cleanup.

I still haven’t spoken to him all morning, and he’s complaining about how I “forced” him to do the dishes, because normally I do them.

AITA here?

She’s wondering whether or not she overreacted, but I’m guessing Reddit is going to inform her it’s not actually about the tacos at all.

First… is this even a thing with tacos? I thought cilantro and onions were the toppings of choice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person points out that food tampering is a felony. (Spoiler alert… that’s only with packaged goods. So calm down Reddit.)

Source: Reddit/AITA

The Mexicans on the thread say cheese is not a traditional thing, anyway.

See, I thought so!

Source: Reddit/AITA

They say OP should take this as the serious red flag that it absolutely is.

Source: Reddit/AITA

No one thinks OP was out of line at all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This is troubling, to say the very least.

If he would make her ill just for kicks, he’s not the one.
