The Walkmen excited many millennials with the announcement of their comeback late last year. The band, known for their infectious 2004 hit “The Rat,” revealed a whole reunion tour for 2023 that fans are looking forward to.

While the group has certainly been busy, frontman Hamilton Leithauser was recently distracted by a more morbid matter. Leithauser took to Twitter to explain how he received cremated remains in the mail and is unsure of what to do with them. Read it below.

“I just received package addressed to ‘current resident.’ Address was mine. Inside package are cremated remains of a man from Oct 2017. I do not know the man. I’ve lived here for 6 years.

I got in touch with the funeral home, and the director is a F#CKING ASSH#LE, doesn’t give a sh#t about this poor guy, and refuses to take them back. Now I have this stranger’s ashes in my kitchen. What should I do with them?

This feels a little bit Curb Your Enthusiasm. In case anybody wants to send hate mail, or wants to know where NOT to die, or send your loved ones, get in touch with Juan’s Funeral home at 509 Liberty Ave, Brooklyn.

John himself hung up on me.

This is an actual snippet of my conversation w John:

John: well I dunno…maybe he used to live there? Maybe he’s dead?

Me: Of course he’s f*cking dead you just mailed him to me!”
