I just read a comment on a post which said :
Life is too dull if you leave entertainment behind , one can always go to Philosophy , logic , physics , but in watching a film , drama , one can learn , but cannot β€œ leave entertainment behind β€œ.
Of course we can be seriously impressed and effected by what we watch .
I am impressed with the choice of green for BALA HATUN’’s dress .
It is suggestive of , piety , spirituality . This colour in Islamic thought is a symbol of heaven , heavenly beings,prophets and Imams .
Green is the most beautiful colour that has been mentioned 20 times in the Quran . It refers to the garments of the heavenly beings .it is a symbol of Growth and expansion of mind .
In the her picture posted today , she looks , stern and reflective , and it is also captioned β€œ ESSENCE BALA . ( Her essence is her selflessness and purity ) She seems to be deep in thought , and almost stern .
Juxtaposed against OSMAN and MALHUN pumped up with glory … and her tears in the trailer , I wonder which way the wind will blow this time .
Will the ZAMURDUANKA rise again, or burn till another dramatist writes her true story , away from Mongols assaulting her to sensationalise the plot.