Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s always a bummer when you bust your hump at a job and you don’t get rewarded the way you should be.

So what’s a person supposed to do in that situation?

The person who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Malicious Compliance” page came up with a pretty good solution and they told folks all about it.

Check out what they had to say.

“So I used to work for a large retailer in the UK. I worked there for 12 years in total and ended up as a manager. When you want to become a manager they make you fly through 1000 hoops, do a whole bunch of training and do the job for 6 months without any extra pay. I did all of this and was finally officially signed off as a manager.

After I was officially given a job I got my pay rise but was never given a new contract. I asked multiple times for a new contract and was fobbed off each time. Fast forward about 9 months and another large retailer started hiring lots of managers and was poaching a whole bunch of staff. I applied for one of these jobs as they were offering £8k more than I was currently on but for the same job.

I got the job and went to hand in my notice. Managers have to give 4 weeks notice whereas General Assistants only have to give a week. So I decided that I would follow the exact terms on my contract and provide them with a week’s notice rather than the 4 weeks they wanted.

Suffice to say that they were not happy with that and I got called into an office to ask why I had only given 1 week’s notice. I explained that per the terms of the last contract that I signed with them that is all that I was required to give. They were really not happy but there really wasn’t anything that they could do about it.

Also my wife says Hi, she wanted me to say hi to whoever I was texting, I said I was writing a Reddit post and said to say hi to Reddit for her.”

Here’s how people reacted to this story.

This person said their brother did the same thing at his job.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader said it serves them right!

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this individual said they’re about to do the same thing at their job.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I really do love it when companies give people a massive advantage because they’re lazy.

Good for you, former employee!
